Since I haven't posted all summer, I decided I would update you with some of the things I have been up to.
Finished my summer classes!
I tried to make a skirt I found on pinterest (found here). Needless to say, I got frustrated and gave up! The pieces are still in my closet for whenever I get the courage/time to try again.
Franklin took his first road trip to my parents house for the 4th of July and my dad's 60th birthday. And I got to go home for the first time since Thanksgiving!
This one is of Franklin sleeping in the backseat of the car, so cute!
The picture below is of Franklin and Rory (my parents dog) sleeping.
These are gluten free muffins I made to eat for breakfast on my first ever float trip. They were really really good. Everyone enjoyed them. Here is the recipe.
The whole group on my first float trip! So much fun!

This is the delicious lasagna I made for Joel. I used gluten free noodles, of course!
Joel's aunt, uncle, and cousins came into town. So we surprised them by picking them up from the airport in a trolly! The best way ever!
These two pictures are of a blanket I crocheted for my friend's new baby boy! The pattern can be found here.
Then my friend invited a few friends over to paint a mural for his baby boy. Here is the finished product!
Banana Split cupcakes for Joel's coworkers
Red velvet cupcakes. These went fast!
This is the beginning of my birthday celebration! We went to see the Campaign at the Alamo Drafthouse in Kansas City. Best theater ever!!!!
Check out those chairs!
Joel threw me a surprise birthday party. So sweet!!!
All the girls!
This was my birthday present from Joel. I really needed one! It is awesome. I use it so much already!
This was dirt cake I made for Joel's coworker's birthday.
Taylor and I at the karaoke place last Friday. Apparently I was dressed like a school girl! I thought it was a cute outfit!
So that was my summer. I know everyone was really curious what I was up to! There were some other fun things in there too... Joel and I visited some friends in Chicago, went to the waterpark, dominated at noodle races (in Joel's grandma's pool), watched all of Dawson's Creek on Netflix, I got my hair cut (hello bangs!), my parents came to visit, I survived the hottest heat wave and worst drought ever, I started my internship as a elementary school counselor, and I turned 27. Overall, it was a great summer. It went by super fast though but I am ready for cooler weather!
I hope everyone else's summers were just as eventful!